ИМЯ. Азула
ВОЗРАСТ. 22 года
МЕСТО РОЖДЕНИЯ. Страна Огня, столица
РОДСТВЕННИКИ. Озай, Урса, Зуко, Айропробный пост
Азула хмуро разглядывала росистую траву и столбы света, пронзившие кроны деревьев. Ей казалось, что она хмурится - лицо свело напряжением, кожа словно бы застыла сухой глиняной маской из выражения абсолютного равнодушия ко всему.
Вспомнилось, сколько раз ей хотелось сжечь этот сад. Еще в детстве, от раздражения за невнимание окружающих, за вымученное одиночество. Она даже предприняла попытку и подожгла один куст, но Урса потушила его и сказала, что так нельзя. Тренироваться в саду тоже не разрешали, чтоб не навредить ему и тем, кто находится рядом. Азула решила, что бесполезные вещи выгодно обращать в полезные, и стала наблюдать за людьми в саду.
От активного наблюдения пострадали как гости, так и слуги.
Потом, чуть позже, сад на некоторое время стал ее любимым местом. Оставшийся без мамочки Зуко очень живописно страдал, и только на то он тогда и годился – до своего поражения в Агни Кай, до изгнания и довольно жалкой истории о несуществующей чести.
В день перед коронацией Азула даже пыталась медитировать, но ее громкие мысли заглушали тишину, давили, раздражали и без того растревоженное кошмарами внимание. Гнилая сладость, источаемая каждым камнем и ветвью, дурманила, усыпляла, просила подождать.
Азула ненавидела ждать. Она ждала достаточно.
И сейчас ждать не стала. Никаких официальных уведомлений, докладов, писем, букетов цветов и извинений. Захотела и пришла. Это все еще ее дом - пока она член королевской семьи.
Может быть, она не станет ни с кем говорить, если ее никто и не заметит. Посмотрит на чужую жизнь издалека – и снова, наверное, уйдет. Что ей здесь делать?..
Шелест листвы не вызывал злости, а поющих птиц Азула больше не желала испепелять. Ненависти к саду в ней не осталось, хотя он хранил на себе отпечаток многих лет, проведенных в алчном желании подчинять – сад, людей, стихию, страну, мир.
Долгие недели странствий превратили бестолковую ярость в холодное пепелище. Таким спокойным небо бывает после затянувшейся грозы, прошивающей насквозь остриями молний.
Азула, задумавшись, упустила момент, когда к ней подошли слишком близко. И, оборачиваясь, ожидая оклика, произнесла:
«- Меньше всего я хотела этой встречи – (хотя на что иное я рассчитывала?)».
Пожалуй, не лучшая фраза для начала беседы, после целой маленькой жизни, прожитой врозь. Азула сделала вид, будто пауза не нарочна – как раз для наигранного удивления и легкой улыбки, растянувшей глиняную кожу.
- Хорошее выдалось утро.
Небо спокойно лишь до следующей бури.
skype: ragnarok_has_come
e-mail: your_ragnarok@mail.ru
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Narwhal 90's gastropub blog, PBR&B Austin Banksy Pitchfork kale chips +1 sartorial High Life seitan. Wolf scenester hoodie fap bicycle rights tousled Tumblr Schlitz, small batch raw denim drinking vinegar lo-fi Marfa pork belly. Odd Future gluten-free bitters fap Thundercats. High Life Cosby sweater fap food truck, lomo meh keytar squid chia biodiesel sustainable. Direct trade Kickstarter salvia trust fund Marfa, lo-fi typewriter gluten-free letterpress. Organic American Apparel sustainable cred asymmetrical wayfarers, Tumblr before they sold out mustache swag. <br><br> Gastropub direct trade mustache salvia actually. American Apparel chia iPhone drinking vinegar Schlitz food truck organic, Blue Bottle 8-bit twee Godard blog. Church-key seitan tousled, High Life tilde single-origin coffee lo-fi twee yr. Vegan pour-over selfies vinyl, Carles Bushwick brunch sustainable Pinterest heirloom asymmetrical post-ironic farm-to-table trust fund. Blue Bottle authentic selvage fashion axe plaid, chambray Cosby sweater before they sold out bespoke Pitchfork Tonx banjo craft beer Odd Future. Gluten-free kitsch raw denim ennui pug beard. Bushwick readymade single-origin coffee, sriracha cred craft beer hella. <br><br> PBR&B Blue Bottle put a bird on it, before they sold out mlkshk yr tousled cray PBR biodiesel chia High Life scenester. Distillery cardigan tousled, organic farm-to-table aesthetic banjo tofu polaroid squid. Typewriter mumblecore bicycle rights viral pug Banksy, literally 8-bit. Shabby chic ethical Truffaut, Austin fanny pack whatever fixie Cosby sweater chillwave flexitarian Vice small batch. Banjo fap cred hoodie bitters mumblecore. Kickstarter dreamcatcher flexitarian, freegan ethical banjo pork belly literally vegan post-ironic Godard four loko beard paleo. Tousled butcher chia typewriter 3 wolf moon, messenger bag umami fashion axe twee biodiesel. <br><br> DIY keffiyeh mixtape mumblecore crucifix, raw denim readymade ethical dreamcatcher meh next level disrupt semiotics leggings. Flexitarian Schlitz locavore Echo Park yr, YOLO jean shorts freegan trust fund next level Carles ethical narwhal mustache. Whatever tousled direct trade Schlitz, Bushwick church-key before they sold out typewriter. Synth hella letterpress irony Carles, crucifix artisan cred quinoa semiotics pickled cray 8-bit. Lomo beard street art pickled slow-carb hella. Pour-over hashtag DIY Helvetica butcher. Godard cray ugh art party shabby chic, McSweeney's wolf fanny pack gentrify. </div></div></div> </div></div> </div></div></center> <center><div style=" width: 390px; text-align: right; font-size: 8px;"><a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=5618">DARBY</a></div></center>
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<!--HTML--><link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Euphoria+Script' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <style type="text/css"> .bgmain {width: 550px; height: 700px; background: url(http://www.designbolts.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/BO-Play-Free-Black-Dotted-Seamless-Pattern.jpg); font-family:'arial'; border: 1px dashed #ffffff; border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 20px; } </style> <div style="width: 550px; font-family: Euphoria Script; font-size:50px; color:#d47021; text-align:right; line-height: 90%; text-shadow: #666666 1px 1px 1px">Erin Allman</div> <div style="width: 550px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10px; color: #666666; text-align: right; line-height: 60%; text-transform: uppercase">биография персонажа</div> <div class="bgmain"> <div style="width: 490px; height: 620px; background-color: #a4a3a3; border-radius: 10px; color: #666666; font: 11px arial; margin: 20px 20px 5px 20px; padding: 20px 10px 10px 10px; text-align: justify; overflow:auto"> <div style="width: 200px; height:200px; background: url(http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag91/doubtfulreason/200x200_zpsd3648a0a.png); float: left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px"></div> <b>GENERAL INFORMATION:</b><br><br> <b>Age:</b> 24<br> <b>Birthdate:</b> June 13th, 1989<br> <b>Birthplace:</b> Sicily, Italy<br> <b>Occupation:</b> Head of the Wizarding Mafia in London<br> <b>Blood:</b> Pureblood<br><br> <b>Personality traits:</b> Irene’s a sarcastic person, who isn't afraid of a challenge and won't say "no" to a fight, being very good at handling knifes. She’s has a little bit of her dad’s perfectionism in her blood. She seems to be cold and distant, but that is only because she is fed up with people disappointing her and decided it was best this way. Because of this she can be a little egoistic and stubborn at times and has proven to be both and advantage and a disadvantage for her. Irene is a flirtatious and sensual woman, but in spite of this, she likes spending time alone, reading a books or taining her skills. <br><br> <b>Comments on her appearance:</b> Green eyes (though she always wanted them to be blue), redhead, athletic built.<br><br> <b>Distinctive signs:</b> Irene has no birth marks, but has a 3cm long scar on her right ankle, from one of her childhood pranks. Also, the Ace of Spades rests on the back of her neck, just like every other member of her "family".<br><br> <b>Likes:</b> Knives, sports, Tequila, her Patronus(she considers the cat form suits her), coconuts, summer, body language, silver jewelry, blue eyes, courage, loyalty. <br><br> <b>Dislikes:</b> Being told she can’t do something, pink, beverages with bubbles/soda, fast-food, talk-shows (TV in general actually), dishonesty. <br><br> <b>Bad habits:</b> Too much stubborness in certain situations, throwing knives at people/objects when she's in a mood, smoking. <br><br> <b>BACKGROUND INFORMATION:</b><br> <b>Childhood:</b> There’s not much to say about Irene’s past. She was born in a very wealthy family, in Italy on June 13th, but moved before she turned 9, together with her mom, dad and younger sister, to London, England for a short period of time, because of her father’s business. <br><br> She had a normal childhood, with no major events, except her usual pranks and tendency to disobey the rules. Once, trying to prove her sister she could fly without a broom, by jumping out of the tree-house her dad had build her. Luckily she came out with just a couple of bruises; the only major damage was though her right ankle. On her way down she hit a branch and a part of it, cut her flesh almost to the bone. In time it healed, but the sign never disappeared and somehow she’s glad. She has something to remember from her childhood. <br><br> She was still in London when she turned 11, so naturally the Hogwarts letter came. After being accepted, Irene got sorted into Ravenclaw and though at start she preferred to spend time alone, she soon made new friends, carrying on with her great pleasure of disregarding rules, which often had as an outcome spending time in the hospital wing. Even in school she always tried to prove she’s good at what she’s doing and that’s why she became Quiddich Seeker for her House in her second year. After finishing school, she continued studying and started training. She moved out of her parents’ manor wanting to start a life on her own. She (actually her dad) bought a house and decorated it in her own way. She may seem spoiled, but actually she isn't. She wanted to buy a small house somewhere, but her dad was against it and said he wouldn't let her move out, unless she agreed to accept his gift(a house). He knew she was stubborn and would never accept help from him, so he insisted on this one gift to get her life going. Thinking it was going to be a small one, she finally accepted. And she ended up living in the huge "Tear of the Ocean" Villa in Sicily.<br><br> Even though her parents and her little sister moved out of London and are now further away (because of her dad’s business again), Irene visits them every now and then, when she’s not on a trip, traveling or searching for something interesting and full of adrenaline. In her opinion no one should waste the life they’ve got, cause times passes and even magic can’t bring it back.<br><br> At some point in time, when she was around 21, Irene joined the Wizarding Mafia in London. It's actually a pretty twisted story, to be honest. It all started when she found out about her dad's job. In her teen years, still young and curious, Irene had a habit of sneaking through the house and listening to her father's business meetings. Through those meetings she had learned that her father was the Leader of the Wizarding Mafia in Sicily. Because of her love and admiration for her father, Irene decided that this was what she wanted to do with her life. After moving to England for a while, she came across Dax's and Fairy's "family" and wanted to join. Right at that point, a man named Mark came in. He had a better offer for her and she switched sides. After some time, Mark disappeared and Lorkyn took over. Soon she worked herself up the ladder and was made Underboss.<br><br> Everything was going well, the Mafia was gaining new members, Irene got to know and made aquaintance with a few of them, because she doesn't really call people friends. But then problems set in. Her dad started getting multiple threats, Lorkyn decided it was about time to spend with her family and Irene was the one who had to deal with all of it. She was determined to find the bastards who were after her family and she had no intention of throwing out years of work by letting the Wizarding Mafia in London die. But it was slowly losing ground and for the first time in her life, she felt a bit overwhelmed. Of course she never admitted that.<br><br> Then, one day she met Aiden's cousin, Kane Kavanagh in a weapon shop, where she was just having a fight with the owner. Their first encounter was short, as Kane's sister Montana called him. But a couple of weeks later she got a dinner invitation from no one else but Kane. Even though suspicious about the fact that he had found her so fast, she accepted his invitation and their night had ended with the two of them in Irene's bed. The physical attraction between the two was obvious and Irene took her chances by trusting him, after a little test. They became lovers that night.<br><br> <b>Life during the 2 years after the war:</b> After that infamous night they had spent together, Irene and Kane continued seeing each other, but their relationship was strictly physical, as both of them had commitment issues. He was the one who encouraged her to keep the "family" going and promised to help. There are no notable incidents that happened in those two years, besides Irene still trying to protect her family from the threats, re-building the "family" from almost scratch and the occasional meetings with the gorgeous Irish man, Kane Kavanagh.<br><br> <b>Present:</b> Two years have passed and the Family is finally rebuilt, but due to the time and effort she had put into it, Irene never managed to find out who was threatening her family, although she did all that was in her power to keep them safe. But now she had hope, with the Family being back on its feet. To cover it up, Irene set up The Afterdark Pub&Bar in Knockturn Alley. <br><br> As for her relationship with Kane, it had remained at the physical stage this entire time. They decided to keep it a secret from everyone, especially because of the bad relationship between Kane and his cousin, Aiden. And, although neither of the two would ever care to admit, they were starting to grow feelings for eachother. <br> </div>